Monday, January 19, 2009

Basketball Babes

Quinn had a great time on her "all girl" team this weekend. She couldn't wait to actually touch the ball this year seeing as all the boys were on their own team. Go Girl Power!
Do you like her jeans? Tiffani & I just chatted the night before how we need to let our children dress themselves and not be picky about what they choose. So when Jessi came down for her game in jeans I said to myself, "She's only 7 - let her wear whatever she wants." I showed up at the game & Tiffani says,"What's up with the jeans?" I told her that I was playing it cool and letting Jessi pick her clothes. Tiffani (being the college sports guru) says while laughing, "I would have made her changed." Believe it or not - we both agreed by the end of the game that it hadn't mattered because she only touched the ball twice I think. Here's a great shot of one of those two times. Next game I'll let her wear snow pants if she wants!


Unknown said...

Sometimes it's not worth the battle. Jeans are okay.

BSU fam said...

That's too funny. I've been letting Kassidy do her own hair. Somedays it's interesting. I finally realized that most people look and say "Her mom let her choose." It's awesome. Way to touch the ball 2 times Jessie!

Unknown said...

Hey! Jessie wore shorts today and guess who played awesome!! She was aggressive and physical and touched the ball a lot! She even about took Coleton's head off, she passed it so hard to him!! Sometimes it is about dressin for the part! (And the fact that the coaches put her in with some players who would pass to her!!) My favorite is the hot pink Knee socks today! I totally would have worn them (I wore knee socks all of the time) and I was awesome!!
Jessie is going to be great. I need to watch Quinn because I am sure she will be too!